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Since speed is a priority for Byte, benchmark results are crucial for us.


We measure the matching performance of JavaScript routers, which includes Blitz, the internal router of Byte.

You can see the benchmark source code here.


We compare Byte performance with other commonly used frameworks such as Fastify, Elysia and Hono.

Here is the latest results:

Vix 0.9 (Bun): 25846.97 req/sec
Blitz 1.3 (Bun): 25149.25 req/sec
EdgeRouter 1.3 (Bun): 25044.79 req/sec
Byte 1.5 (Bun): 24905.06 req/sec
Elysia 1.0 (Bun): 24586.77 req/sec
Quark 0.1 (Bun): 24497.09 req/sec
Hono 4.3 (Bun): 23009.03 req/sec

You can see the benchmark source code here.