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Byte includes utilities for fast query parsing.

import { query } from '@bit-js/byte';
// Retrieve a parameter value from the query
// If the schema is omitted it will parse the value to string
const parse = query.get('name', schema);
// Pass in the request context
// If schema type is string -> return string or null if the parameter is not found
// If schema type is number -> return number or NaN if the parameter is not found or invalid
// If schema type is boolean -> return true if the parameter is presented in the query and false otherwise
// Retrieve multiple parameter values from the query
const parseAll = query.schema({
name: nameSchema,
age: ageSchema,
// Return an object with all provided properties or null if any of
// the property does not match the corresponding schema

A query schema is as follows:

interface Schema {
// The type of the parsed value
type: 'number' | 'string' | 'bool';
// The max values to obtain from the query
// This property will be ignored if the type provided is 'bool'
maxItems?: number;

Some example schemas:

const multipleStringSchema = {
type: 'string',
maxItems: 10
const numberSchema = {
type: 'number'